As a professional marine crew member being able to find adequate Health coverage can be a challenge. The unique demands of the nomadic lifestyle can often prevent the crew from getting the comprehensive plan needed and deserved.

Palm Beach Yachts International offers both individual and group annually renewable, Worldwide Health coverage for international professional marine captains and crew of all nationalities. This coverage would alleviate liability and the possibility of a rate increase to the vessel’s P&I coverage, which in turn means lower costs to the owner. Call us regarding yacht crew and Health insurance inquiries.

We are proud to offer worldwide coverage for professional marine crew members. For many years, professional marine crew members have been unable to obtain adequate major medical insurance coverage. While comprehensive benefits are available to those ashore, crew members lack customized coverage essential to fit their numerous challenges. Despite this imbalance, insurance carriers have been reluctant to address the special needs arising from international operations and the nomadic lifestyle of crew members.

Our vast knowledge in administering specialized medical plans for international employees has permitted us to overcome the typical obstacles. By utilizing streamlined, high-tech communications and processing procedures we address the common issues of no fixed address, uncertain travel schedules and international locales. Worldwide crew Health Insurance is designed for leaders in the marine industry.


Worldwide crew health Insurance is available only to individual professional marine crew members, but without any restrictions regarding their respective nationalities. To be eligible you must currently or usually work aboard a vessel as a full-time sea-going crew member. You must expect to spend a significant period of time sailing outside of United States waters, and would not qualify for adequate coverage under a US domestic insurance plan. Professional crew members less than 74 years old may apply for coverage. Persons older than 74 years old are not eligible. An application must be completed for each person requesting coverage.

Renewal of Coverage

Worldwide crew Health Insurance is annually renewable and coverage is continuous when renewed. Prior to the end of each period of insurance (12 months), you will receive a renewal form. Your renewal can be processed via fax, mail, phone or e-mail. You must continue to meet the eligibility requirements outlined above in order to renew.

Note: No insurance is in effect until a fully completed, signed and dated application with acceptable premium payment has been received and a Certificate of Coverage is issued. Upon approval, please allow 7-10 business days for the Certificate of Coverage to be issued and received.